HR Leader's Guide to Predicting Turnover

Applying Voice-of-Employee Research & Advanced Analytics to Predict Employee Turnover

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An intensely competitive employee marketplace demands that employers take proactive measures to predict and prevent turnover to achieve business results. Implemented effectively, voice-of-employee research tools can provide data to accurately predict and precisely prevent employees from leaving, leading to direct cost savings to the bottom line.

This guide will tell you:

  • The reasons most organizations aren't proactively solving for employee turnover
  • How effective voice of employee research & predictive analytics can help organizations proactively solve for turnover
  • The voice-of-employee research tools necessary to predict turnover 
  • How research should be conducted to provide accurate data for advanced analytics
  • How to calculate the ROI of predicting & preventing turnover 
  • The benefits of targeted turnover interventions that achieve measurable ROI

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HR Leader's Guide to Predicting Turnover